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README file from "rpcdemo" directory


      The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) library allows C programs to make
      procedure calls on other machines across the network.  First, the 
      client calls a procedure to send a data packet to the server.  Upon 
      receipt of the packet, the server calls a dispatch routine to 
      perform the requested service, and then sends back a reply.  
      Finally, the procedure call returns to the client.
      This demo is an example RPC client and server application.  The RPC
      client (rminfo) is a simple program to retrieve real memory usage 
      information from a host that has rpc.rminfod (the server daemon) 
      How to use this RPC server & client on IRIX 4.0.x:
      1) change ID to root:
% su

      2) Edit /etc/rpc and change the last entry to read:
sgi_reserved    391063 rminfo

          (Note:  we're borrowing this number just for this demo.
           The entry is really reserved for SGI use only!)
      3) Copy the daemon to /usr/etc or some other system directory:
# cp rpc.rminfod /usr/etc

      4) Edit /usr/etc/inetd.conf, adding the following entry at the end of
         the file:
rminfo/1   dgram   rpc/udp wait   root   /usr/etc/rpc.rinfod   rminfod

      5) Notify inetd about the change:
# killall -HUP inetd

      6) Wait a minute or so for inetd to reread the file.
      7) Run the rminfo client:
# rminfo localhost

      For more information on RPC programming, see the IRIX Network
      Programming Guide.

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